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Lookingglass Corvette Club


Current Newsletter


November 6: It was a sunny and unseasonably warm day for the club to participate in the annual Veterans' Day parade in St. Louis. A big thank you to those who volunteered and to Mike Teague for chairing the event.

November 6-7: Shawnee Forest wine trail event was chaired by Tim and Neshala Warner. A smaller group than normal turned out but all enjoyed the beautiful weather, wine tasting, and fun drive to southern IL. New friendships were formed and a memorable time was had by all.

November 20: Rock & roll bingo hosted by Phil and Linda Astrauskas was a HUGE success! Thanks to all who participated, assisted with ticket sales, donated baskets for the raffle, etc. Proceeds from the event were donated to members Al & Shirley Flath to assist with their daughter's medical bills. We donate to several local charities every year and it always feels good when we can help one of our own, too.

December 2: Meeting and Christmas cheer - meeting started at 7:00 instead of 7:30 to allow for a brief business meeting and then those who have RSVP'ed and paid can enjoy a buffet meal provided by Fema Italian Catering. If attending the meeting, please bring NO MORE THAN a dozen cookies to share and some non-perishable items for the Granite City food pantry. Thanks also to Jeff Topal for transporting the November donations to Fairview Heights' food pantry.


Welcome to Dale and Diane Kroetz of Highland, with a 1966 Mosport Green roadster.

UPCOMING CLUB EVENTS (the following is an overview only, please check your newsletter, members only section of the club website, or weekly reminders for details such as addresses, contact info, etc. This is done to protect our members' privacy, particularly when events take place at members' residences.)

Unfortunately, some of our planned events have been canceled or postponed. Here is the status of each:

Dec. 29: Caffeine and Chrome at Gateway Classic Cars is moved to Weds., Dec. 29th since the last Saturday of the month fell on Christmas day. Event is from 4-6 p.m.

Annual Party has been rescheduled to March 26th. Committee is currently working on gathering costs for music and catering. The event will be at the KC Hall. Theme will remain "Sports" - so if you plan to attend, just wear your favorite team jersey or cap, whether it's football, baseball, hockey, NASCAR, horse racing, or soccer. Cost will remain at $30/person per last year. Should anyone who has prepaid in 2020 want a refund, please let Gene Anderson know. Otherwise, you are on the attendee list and good to go.

New Arrivals:

Rick and Lizann Mestre recently took delivery on a beautiful new C8!


Please welcome Steve Schmitt Chevrolet in Highland as our sponsor! Many of us already know Steve and his staff, having purchased cars or service from them in the past. FYI, Steve was our original sponsor during our inception in 1976 and is also the individual responsible for naming our club. It's great to have him back! When thinking about a purchase, talk with Steve, Chris, or Scott about a deal on a new Corvette or other GM product that they offer.

Remember to support the Corvette Museum's store when shopping for Corvette apparel or other items. You can do so by visiting


None at this time.

Dues: Cost is $30 a year and are now payable. If you are unable to pay at the meeting, please send a check ASAP payable to LGCC, P.O. Box 82, Highland, IL 62249 or directly to Gene Anderson, Treasurer. New members also pay a one-time $15 installation fee unless active military. Anyone whose dues are delinquent after the February meeting of each year, you will lose your membership privileges so please be prompt.

NEW round static cling club decals are now available for $2 each - free to all new members, especially those joining after we ran out of the old decals.


None at this time.

Upcoming Swap Meets, Area Car Shows, Local & National Events

The following events will hopefully still take place:

For an on-line schedule of local and national car clubs, show information, and buying tips, you can visit St. Louis Car News' website: or and check the Lakers' site.

Recurring Cruise-Ins

The following cruise-ins MAY take place, depending on COVID-19 restrictions in place at the time:

Syberg's Weds. cruise nights, O'Fallon, IL have re-started and are welcoming cruisers every Weds. night. Concluded for the season.

Downtown Lebanon cruise "on the brick road" - held 1st Saturday of each month from May thru October, 6 - 8 p.m. This cruise is on hiatus for the season, see you in the spring!

Culver's cruise-in, Collinsville, IL - 3rd Saturday of each month, beginning May thru October. Concluded for the season.

Rusty Rodz cruise-in, downtown Highland on the square, held the last Saturday of each month, May thru October. See you next season!

Caffeine and Chrome at Gateway Classic Cars will be held the fourth Saturday of each month, from 9 a.m. - noon. Free coffee and donuts.

Cook's Corner - LGCC Favorites!

Suzie Wildhaber's Tailgate Ham Sammies

Preheat oven to 350 and assemble the following:

1 pkg. Hawaiian rolls (the small ones)

3/4 lb. deli ham (NOT honey ham)

6 slices of Swiss cheese

3/8 c. butter

3/4 tsp Dijon mustard

3/4 tsp Worcestershire sauce

3/4 tsp dried onion

Poppy seeds

Cut rolls in half and place bottoms of rolls in 9x12 pan. Quarter ham slices and place 3-4 thin slices on rolls. Cut cheese into quarters to fit rolls and place a piece on each roll. Put tops of rolls back on.

In a saucepan, combine butter, mustard, onion, and sauce and melt. Using a pastry brush or similar tool, brush butter mixture evenly over rolls. Sprinkle generously with poppy seeds and cover with foil. Refrigerate at least 2 hours or overnight. When ready to bake, preheat oven to 350 and bake uncovered for 15-20 minutes. Serve warm, room temperature, or cold. Turkey can be substituted for ham if preferred.

As a reminder, weather conditions that create treacherous driving may cause us to postpone our monthly meeting. We care about our members' safety, so if in doubt, contact the KC Hall to make sure of the meeting's status when Mother Nature is making the roads hazardous. In the meantime, let's hope good weather remains so that we can fill the parking lot with Corvettes at an upcoming meeting!

Most of the graphic images on this website are courtesy of Angelfire's Animation Factory.

Should you want additional information regarding joining our club, you can call 618-210-8341.

Please check out our sponsor, Steve Schmitt Chevy/Buick/GMC at They are located in Highland, IL and are ready to serve your automotive needs.

NEXT MEETING: February 2, 2023 - 7:30 p.m.

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